It's Chili Season!

The last few days, we have gone from a brutal heat wave to thunder storms and rain. So take this new gloomy weather, add in floral work this week in all of Autumn’s best colors and that is how we get to Chili season… naturally.

Growing up, I can remember coming home to the smell of chili slow cooking in the crock pot. I think I always assumed my mom was slaving away over this chili while I was at school, continually stirring and adding a little of this and a little of that. However, when I went away to college, my mom shared with me the recipe and to my surprise, it was mostly cans of this and that.


…delicious, comforting & feels like home.

I grew up in a house where canned food was not a big thing. I mean, we had some basics like olives, tomatoes, corn and refried beans but no other vegetables at least that I can think of. My mom just bought fresh stuff, so maybe that is why I was so surprised to find so many cans of stuff in chili.

Recently, my mother-in-law gave me my husband’s grandma Noni’s recipe box. Noni was a very proud Northern Sicilian who took great pride in her heritage. I couldn’t wait to open this recipe box and find some authentic Italian dishes from her childhood. Well, that was the furthest thing I found among her recipe’s! Everything was a can of this, a can of that and a dash of this… I mean we are talking a can of ham or a can of green beans. I was so disappointed. I had pictured Noni’s mother and her mother’s mother in some cute old world kitchen in Italy and passing the recipes down to our sweet Noni. Well if that actually happened, there is no trace in this stack of handwritten recipes nor on the torn pages of newspapers and magazines.



Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with canned food! My mom’s chili is amazing and the main ingredients are canned beans and tomatoes! I just had to be reminded that Noni came from a time of war. Canned food was a means to eat peaches in Winter and prepared meat without any refrigeration or heck, even prep. Now, I can get on board with tomatoes and olives but I am not a fan of canned veggies and fruit. We live in California and our market is packed full of fresh food without any preservatives. But when it comes to soup and chili, I tell you, skip the fresh stuff, crack open a few cans and let everyone think you have been slaving away all day.

My Family Chili Recipe:

2 cans of diced tomatoes
3 cans of beans ( I like to mix them up; black beans, white northern & white kidney)
small can of green chilis or a real Poblano or Serrano pepper
2 cups of beef broth (or 12 oz of beer and beef or chicken bouillon)
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon of Italian seasoning
2 tablespoons of chili powder
Salt to taste
3 whole cloves
1 onion diced
1 lb of lean ground beef or turkey

Saute the onions and ground meat and drain. Add in beans, tomatoes and everything else… Slow cook until ready.

Garnish: Cheddar cheese, sour cream, green onion and a cheesy toast point (if you want to get fancy)

Note: As great as chili is, it will taste great the first night but trust me when I say, it is the only dish that actually tastes better on day two! Reheat and enjoy!!

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