Most Personal Valentine's Day Date Idea; Suggested Attire: Flannel
Let me tell you a little love story about two young kids, too young to get married, too broke to celebrate and too tired to go out.
Kevin & Sarah Fisher 1998
So my husband Kevin and I have been married for 22 years and together for 25. We met, both 21 years old; married by age 24; baby #1 by age 27; and baby #2, age 30. Needless to say, we started out very young, dirt poor and frankly, not very good at planning ahead for anything. We were kids!
When I left college, I had no idea what I wanted to do, especially as a Fine Arts major. So, as most fresh-out-of-school kids do, I went after a fancy title, a big paycheck and amazing benefits where the coffee was free. I became a "barista" at the local coffee shop. They make millions you know? haha
Kevin, my husband, was a fellow employee there. We shortly started dating and then eventually married. I was attracted to Kevin; he had a ton of great qualities; looks of course (he’s still is cute btw) and his quick wit would be good examples but he did lack skills in the romantic gesture and/ or gifting department. Kevin is practical, appreciates thoughtfulness but doesn't always know how to express it. I, on the other hand, am all about gifting (ask my nephew Ben, I am the BEST) Kidding aside, when time and budget allows, I can spend hours trying to concoct a perfect gift, party or experience and especially for my family. For me, there is nothing better than to watch a person's expression when they open a thoughtful or unexpected gift that you know is just right for them. Nothing!
The problem with being a "gifter" but in a relationship with a "non-gifter," at least for us, is this. I would put so much time and energy into giving and then so disappointed when Kevin would race out last minute asking me "what is it you wanted again?" Yeah, he is that guy. But in his defense, he gives in so many other ways each day.
HOWEVER… one day every year, we meet in the middle; Valentine's Day. I will admit, I am not sure we have mastered Christmas and Thanksgiving but I can say Valentine's Day- hands down best tradition and for both of us.
Here it is.
Butcher paper over the coffee table
one lit candle
melted butter
lemon wedges
champagne or wine (a nice bottle- not your 2 buck chuck)
roll of paper towels
2lbs of king crab all warmed up
Suggested Attire:
Formal Slippers
Formal Pants with an elastic waistband (preferably flannel)
For 25 years, Kevin and I have done this and it is perfect. No crowds, no overpriced dinner, no valet. We are just two kids, hanging out, eating like kings in their pajamas. Can you get more romantic than that?