It’s not about the formal set up, it’s about making the table personal (but also functional- LOL).


Growing up, one of us were always asked to set the table. It was complete with folded napkins, plates, silverware and glassware and something pretty for the centerpiece. It didn’t have to be spectacular, after all it was usually a school night and it was just our wobbly kitchen table but it had to be something. I can remember foraging around the garden for something green or in bloom, finding a little vase and then calling to the family, “Dinner is ready!”

The truth is, I rarely set the table or even have my children do it. A typical night at our house is one person eating at the counter, another upstairs finishing an essay and Kevin and in the family room starting one our favorites on Netflix. However, when it comes time for a celebration of any sort, I go ALL out! I love nothing more than to pull all the elements and textures of a table-scape. It’s not about the formal set up, it’s about making the table personal (but also functional- LOL). For instance, for my mom’s birthday one year, we made everything sparkly! She is literally one of the most "non sparkly” people, meaning she has never worn or would be caught dead wearing anything that would scream “Look at Me,” but she loves when it’s “just a touch” of sparkle. So what better excuse than to give her a night of her favorite things without trying to get her to wear a bedazzled jacket? I love you Mom!

No matter the occasion, just make it extra special by using these basic steps. Let me know how it goes!


  1. Find your theme and make it personal!

  2. Come up with your color scheme- Pinterest is perfect for finding one right for your space and/or theme.

  3. Know your budget ahead of time (my husband loves this part).

  4. Consider a personal little something whether its a place card or a favor for each guest’s setting.

  5. Collect all your materials and consider borrowing or thrifting too. Include multiple textures such as, linens, wood, metallic, matte and natural.

  6. Buy your flowers or create your centerpiece.

  7. Set the table!

  8. Relax and raise a glass


It can be the simplest of things, but it’s personal!

It can be the simplest of things, but it’s personal!