11 MUST DIY Tips for an Epic Slumber Party For All Ages Plus Photos and Videos of Our Boho Themed Surprise Sleepover Styled For Teen Girls
Okay that was a mouthful of a title and some of you may wonder why would I be posting about a slumber party during Covid? Well, it’s simple. Covid will be a thing of the past (let’s hope sooner than later) and when it is, guess what everyone is going to need? A PARTY! In fact, I think we should all get planning now! So let’s get to it.
I find it funny that people call it a “Slumber” party when typically, you will have less sleep and more awake time together. Regardless, there are proper ways to get a Slumber Party just right and I can honestly say these tips apply to any pajama party no matter how old you are. So whether you are celebrating a bachelorette, a birthday or just an excuse to get friends together, these 11 steps will ensure your guests will leave in utter awe and perhaps, next time, you will be on the receiving end of those cozy slippers.
Guest List-This might seem so obvious but seriously think about this. These people are going to be in your home, in your ear, in your space for a very long time. Who do you really want to be there?
Cozy it Up! There is no place for hard chairs or cold floors during a slumber party. Everyone should be able to lounge and snuggle if needed. Don't have enough blankets or pillows? Ask everyone to bring their own. No matter how you do it, you MUST set the stage and it needs to be inviting.
Munchies! Start with semi healthy, snacky stuff. You will get to the sweet stuff later. Trust me you will thank me. After all, you have ALL night. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
GO WITH THE FLOW! Just like slow cooking, “Set it & Forget It.” Toss out the agenda and just have fun and let things happen. If there is something you really want to do, by all means have at it, but just make sure the whole night doesn't feel contrived and completely planned. These are your best friends, you always know how to have fun.
Sleep-over Essentials- I am a big believer in going all out and here is where the fun shopping comes in. Why not gift your guests with a little sleep-over kit. If a kit is not in the budget, perhaps just a pair of cozy socks or slippers.
Set the mood! Stepping it up a few notches on the details will knock you up to next level and your friends will be more apt to capture photo memories as well; I promise! Consider such things as lighting, essential oils, a fun canopy, coordinating blankets and even plants.
Be Glitch Conscious! Worst thing ever; Entertainment Glitches. Make sure your movies are queued, the remote has good batteries, and the music is ready to go.
Late Night Snacks- Ok, you have gotten through the crudités’ , now it’s time for the good stuff. I would assume you don't want people rummaging through your cupboards, so pack a small basket with all the good stuff.
Sleeping Quarters-I have actually had my kids call me at midnight to come pick them up because they were uncomfortable on some floor mat. I will admit, we are all prima donnas in the Fisher house when it comes to bedding but one thing is for sure. No one wants to wake up with a stiff neck or cold. Just think ahead and coordinate what you might need your guests to bring or what you can borrow to ensure their comfort.
Morning Musts! Let's be honest, some of us can sleep in and some of us can't. I am the latter. I have an internal clock and it goes off at 6:30am every morning and by 7am, if I haven't had my coffee and a small snack, it's going to be very bad day. So for the sake of your early risers, have a basket of grab and gos for your guests. Granola Bars, nuts, fruit, tea and COFFEE (ok maybe not for the little ones).
Last but not Least (and maybe more for adults and teens-not little wee people)… & it’s not the expected, “Have an epic slow breakfast.” It’s simple and ONLY for you. Block out the whole day or at least 1/2 of the following day after your sleep-over. Clean up, enjoy the quiet, and then take a good old fashion nap. You deserve it! Breakfast would have been nice but everyone has different eating habits in the morning so I say keep that part simple and follow Tip #10.
Surprise Boho Slumber Party For a Teen Birthday Party
Though Delaney knew she was having a few friends over for her birthday, she had no idea Society Picnic was styling out her space while they were at dinner. Here are a few photos of the fun and the inspiration board that helped keep us on track.
Be sure to scroll down to see the video of the girls coming in!