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3 Reasons Painting Black Walls is NOT a Trend

To some, deciding what shade of white paint is a grueling process, and “greige” is considered daring. Countless times I have received the call, “Sarah please come help me pick a color.” 2 hours later, we are 50 shades of white and two cups of caffeine too many, we end up where we started; more white walls. The suggestion of anything with a deeper hue is simply out- “too daring Sarah!” So painting walls black in the house, it’s down right crazy?!? Hence, that would explain why I generally end up on the “down right crazy” side, in comparison to my friends and family. So when I moved a few years back, I painted one bedroom wall, a few interior doors and the soffit ceiling in my dining room black and I have NO regrets.

There is method to my madness however to deciding on black paint and it does not, nor will it ever teeter over to a temporary “trend.” Trends come and go and if you chase a trend too often, it will take your pocketbook down with it. So to those of you out there, 50 shades of white and too many cups of coffee in, hear me out and consider going over to the dark side. It’s never too late!

  1. Black is Classic

Just as there are repeats in nature, black and white have continued to be a “must have” in home decor and architecture for centuries! It is not just nostalgia that tugs at your heart strings when walking through beautiful historical places, its great design that has stood up against time, against trends and our ever-changing world. If black has been a staple in design throughout history, I can assure you it is safe to use in your home with out any sense of doubt. Just as black is a constant in fashion, black will forever be a constant in home decor. So find your perfect white but make room for a little black magic in your decor choices too.

2. Black Makes It Pop

Black as a background to just about anything, makes whatever you are working with POP. If there is a piece of furniture, a plant or even grandma Ginny’s fine china, it is going to look a million times more special in front of a black wall. It’s like when you go to the optometrist, and they ask, which is better #1 or #2? Where ever black is the background, it will look more clear, become a focal point and will showcase whatever it is you love. With that said, however, keep in mind, if you are not proud of that ratty old sofa with the cheerios stuck between the cushions, don’t paint your wall black. Save the black wall for your special spaces to highlight your favorite features or items in your home.

3. Black is Versatile

Just like that perfect little black dress in the back of our closet, a black wall can take you anywhere you want to go. Dress it up with a pair of heels or dress it down with a cute pair of sneakers. Trends will come and go, but unlike geese wallpaper and cornflower blue carpet, Italian travertine and paisley upholstery, black can be there for whatever mood or style you fancy. Whether your style is farmhouse, modern, traditional or even eclectic, black will change with you or forever stay your true and constant.

There you have it. Will you cross over to the dark side with me? Up next- maybe a kitchen update and guess what color I am considering? One hint, it’s really dark!